Saturday, January 07, 2006

To appease the masses...

Ok ok... maybe the 'masses' did not actually request for a picture of my new hairstyle... But hey it's a New Year so bear with my exaggeration for now, eh? :P

Since a handful of you have requested a picture, here's a couple for your viewing pleasure. Hope it showcases the hairstyle and the color well... :)

My hairstylist actually commented that I look younger than my youngest sister (in pics above) now! Hahaha... :P Well, I can't have that! Can't keep on attracting younger guys only, can I? :P

Well, the holidays had been fun. Lots of fun in S'pore and plenty more shopping done in Bangkok. If I had all the money in the world, I would literally buy up everything I see in Bangkok!! It's really a shopping haven. Plus, the New Years' fireworks were fabulous. Even though we couldn't get the fantastic view we had 2 years back when we were last there, it was great nonetheless. Wish I could post the video I recorded on my digicam. If anyone knows how to, please let me know!

But as holidays are, they come and go too quickly. And this week has been the most busy week I've had in years! I've been staying back at the office till about 9pm almost everyday this week. And will have to go back to work on Tuesday next week even though it's supposed to be a public holiday! Sigh... hope I don't burn out anytime soon.


At 07 January, 2006 13:09, Blogger mikanico said...

Dear Sum,

I kind of unable to tell the difference. Do you mind providing some comparison photo before and after to showcase the great work done to your hair ;p.

Perhaps my eye sight is not that sensitive or good... Please forgive my weaknesses...

At 07 January, 2006 13:29, Blogger Sum said...

Hahaha... I was actually contemplating putting a 'before-&-after' comparison! Hahaha... Well, I'll see I can post one of that too, since you asked so nicely! Hehe... ;)

At 20 January, 2006 17:37, Blogger mikanico said...

When will u be posting? I'm still waiting... :(

So sad, never keep your word... hehehe ;p


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