Thursday, February 23, 2006

Achievers' Club

Hardwork pays off... (better for some than others, I must admit). Anyway, it's been 3 years since I worked at my current company, and finally I got some form of recognition. My company has this Achievers' Club & Star Club, where every quarter individuals will be nominated by their supervisor/manager or anyone they've worked with who feel that they have significantly contributed to the company. There will be a lot of nominees, but each quarter only 4-5 will actually be selected as 'winners' for that quarter.

I was lucky to be nominated in Q1-2005. I was really surprised and happy about it, coz I thought... after 3 years, they're probably not gonna nominate me already la. :P And only last week, they announced the winners for the year 2005... and I was actually in the final listing!!! Happy, happy, happy... ecstatic!! :D

And for my efforts, the prize is... a RM2000 travel voucher!!! Woohoo!!! Now I can start planning my trip overseas... thinking of Hawaii... :)


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