Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Dilbert is genius!

I absolutely love Dilbert! It's such a good way to describe how so many people feel around the office! And even if it doesn't happen in your working environment, imagining it happening elsewhere is just as comical. :P

[I was gonna post some of the comic strips I received via e-mail, then realised there are Copyright marks on it. So to avoid being sued for huge sums of money, I will instead give you guys the link to the Official Dilbert website. Or just recommend buying the book "The Dilbert Principle" (by Scott Adams). :P ]

Click here: http://www.dilbert.com/

There's this clip that describes 'How to scold your boss', and I think it's absolutely hilarious! :P So there goes Dilbert walking by his boss, and suddenly he starts spewing "You ignorant maggot! You disgust me!". The boss is shocked, and prepares to retaliate. Dilbert says, "I'm not talking to you. I'm using my handsfree kit." [Hahahaha.....]


At 08 November, 2006 13:26, Blogger gameshelves said...

His blog is pretty clever as well.


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