Saturday, May 13, 2006

The studying scene...

Prior to the April-05 examinations, I spent a lot of time in Starbucks. And much to some people's disbelief, I WAS studying. :D I get more in there than at home, what with the distractions in my house, such as the bed, the tv, the radio, and anything I can get my hands on. Even house-cleaning was a more attractive choice than studying... and you know how much I hate house-cleaning!!! :P

Well, I know all these happened months ago, but I took these pictures during that study period and I think they deserved to be posted. :)

I spent most of my time in Starbucks Ikano (left), but some days I got tired of just drinking coffee. So one afternoon, I went to Fasta Pasta (above right), to have lunch while studying. We used to go there a lot coz the wedges there are EXCELLENT! :P So much so that the head waiter there actually recognises me. He also noted that I haven't been there for quite some time already. And seeing that I was on full-concentration studying, he treated me to a free pot of tea. How nice! :) So do try Fasta Pasta (haha... free advert!)

I also went to O'Briens, a favourite study-hangout place during the Sept-05 exam period [now all the outlets will be categorised by exam period... haha...].

Wonder what outlets will be in the Sept-06 category. Stick around to find out. :P


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