Sunday, June 04, 2006

Hunting... and more hunting...

I went to two consecutive hunts in the past 2 weeks. The first is the Sun Motor Hunt and another is the Kiwanis "Chill Out" Hunt. Ok, here's where I start bitching about hunting... Haha...

Let's start with the Sun hunt... There were like 280 teams who signed up. We thought... no problemo... this should be a relatively ok hunt. We expected most teams to be newcomers or amateurs so probably we would have a good chance. Moreover, last year we did pretty well and managed a 9th position. We got 9th coz of a few silly mistakes. So this year, we resolved to be more careful and better last year's position. However, we were sadly disappointed. Wait, wait... that's understating it. We were devastated...! First, we made 2 silly mistakes. That really cost us. And also, we underestimated our opponents. A lot of people did better than us! I am ashamed to even say this... but we only managed... *sob*... *hiccup*... 26th... SOB SOB SOB!!! Why? Why? Why? You wouldn't
believe how desolute I felt. [ Oh, and may I say how sorry I am to the friend I brought to the dinner with me. I believe he was literally bored out of his mind... Hahaha....!! ] I hope next year they can upgrade us to the Masters category. With only 17 teams there this year, you'd be guaranteed good prizes. And also the glory of being classed a "Master"... ;)

Ok, now to the Kiwanis Hunt. Alright, alright... the hunt was good. We did pretty well. Granted, we also made one or two mistakes, but at least we were still somewhere close behind the Masters. We managed a 13th position, which was not bad at all. The prizes weren't that great, but at least it was great fun. We went up to Cameron Highlands for about 3 days, and had tea and scones (how English!) at the Cameron tea plantation. Nice, nice...

Now to my complaint: As with every Kiwanis hunt, there's always some extra events you can take part in, just for fun. This year, the theme was "Chill Out", and contestants were required to build a chill out scene... anything that can remotely be linked to the theme "Chill Out". They gave some suggestions: a hang-out place, where you 'chill out'; a 'chilling' murder scene; an ice-cold ('chill') igloo... Anything at all. So we decided to join... just for the heck of it. We brainstormed out this brilliantly idea... and this is what it looked like:

Ok... please say you all get the joke?! I mean, it was brilliant! I still can't believe they didn't give us the prize for this!!!

Well, for those who didn't get it, here's what it's supposed to be:
On the tray, is a bowl of Vanilla Ice Cream. It is supposed to represent "Vanilla Ice" the person. And there's this hot, blazing sun, that's slowly melting him away. Thus, the 'Murder' of Vanilla Ice (cream)!!

What's more... we have a poem written on its 'tombstone', which says:
"Here lies Vanilla Ice (cream) who once was a 'pop'.
But the sun came up, and poor Vanilla Ice (cream) melted... drop by drop!"

Now tell me that isn't brilliant?!

Well, looking at who we lost out to, I guess we shouldn't be complaining. Since this is a family event, we should've known better to stick to 'family themes'. The eventual winner was one family who built this make-shift "Chill Out" mall. And they had their teenage daughter explain the whole scene, which is supposed to signify the Sunway mall that they visit, as a family, every Sunday. And it shows all the shops that they would go to. "Uncle Lim where Dad loves his kaya toast... MPH where we love to buy our books. And the rental shop were we rent books that are too expensive to buy... *blah blah blah*" [ Ok ok... now I'm just being bitchy and bitter... :D ]

Now... how can we beat that?! :( I can tell you for sure... family-themes always win. We shouldn't have bothered. Sigh... All I can say is: ours is still the cleverest idea. But guess they don't give points for cleverness in this event.


At 04 June, 2006 23:04, Blogger Unknown said...

It looks more like a melt down or a brown out of the vanilla cream rather than a chill out! That's why u lost! :p

At 06 June, 2006 23:23, Blogger Sum said...

Well, they didn't say must be chill out ma! It's to build a "chilling" scene! Sigh... they just can't appreciate it, that's all.


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