Thursday, February 08, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

I've been tagged at Thursday Thirteen! So here are 13 things about me:
  1. I love to dance! Salsa is my passion now. :)
  2. I'm mad about treasure hunting. My average is about 14 hunts a year. ;)
  3. I can't live without my television or my computer. My favourite TV show is Friends.
  4. I love to help people, even if it's out of my way. That's probably why I am swamped at work... trying to do things for others, then having to stay back and do my own stuff some more. Sigh...
  5. I hate losing! :P
  6. I have a Masters degree in Actuarial Science (incidentally, my career at the moment. :) )
  7. I'm ultra sensitive... especially to criticism and to other people's opinion of me and what I do. A big fault, I know. Something I have to change.
  8. I'm an introvert. Socialising does not come easy for me. I prefer to sit alone by myself with a book / computer / music on, than going out with groups of friends. Actually, I don't have many friends to hang out with anyway. Hmm...
  9. I am a difficult person to get to know, because I do not reveal too much about myself. Only those patient enough will eventually get to know the real me. I have many friends, but only a handful of really really good ones whom I can really talk to.
  10. I've travelled to many countries, most of them courtesy of my dad's passion for travelling and planning our annual family trips!
  11. I lived in New Zealand for 5 years - 4 spent studying, another year spent working.
  12. I was Vice-Head Prefect in secondary school... i.e. I was a goody-two-shoes in school! :P
  13. I'm still waiting for Mr. Right to sweep me off my feet. Hope that happens soon! :)


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