Saturday, October 06, 2007

The Dating Game

Is the dating game supposed to be fun? I've never felt that it was.

Well, of course it always starts out fun. All the conversations you have at the beginning when you start to get to know each other. I always have a great time... chatting and hanging out. That part is definitely fun. But after awhile, it's just a lot of wondering... when I get too 'hooked'. Does he actually like me, or does he just want to be friends? What if all this getting to know each other part makes him realise that, "actually, I don't like her at all". I hate that part of it. In my experience, it usually ends up that way... Either the other party loses interest, or they find someone else more interesting. Believe me, it's happened to me many times. Sigh... It's enough to make you lose hope and self-confidence. And people say I don't have a boyfriend because I'm choosy. :(

Makes you wonder: Is it me?

Must be me. I'm the only constant variable in all this. I must be doing something terribly wrong.

I think I've almost had enough of this nonsense. It's just not worth the worry and anxiety of waiting and wondering. And the fear that I'm not good enough. There is more to life than trying to get through the dating game. I should start taking the attitude of "don't care"/"take it or leave it"... and just do my own thing. No more trying too hard.

Every time someone shows a bit of interest, I tend to get attached to them too quickly... which opens me up to all this worrying and anxiety feelings, as I wonder if that person's interest in me will wane.
You start to try a little harder, expect a little more.

Maybe the problem is that I'm not choosy enough? Or I always choose the ones whom I know will never like me that way. Did I just bring it onto myself?!?

Maybe I've gone about it the wrong way all this while. Though I don't know what other way there is. I wish I knew. Maybe someone can enlighten me on the "winning formula". Some girls always get what they want. They are the ones who break up with the guys all the time. They are probably the ones who enjoy the dating game the most. Maybe they can tell me what I'm doing wrong. I need professional help. Haha...

Conclusion: It's just not worth it. :)


At 07 October, 2007 00:00, Blogger Yew-Syarawi said...

YOU are worth it! And one day, you WILL find someone who likes you enough to stick around. In the meantime, concentrate on yourself. It'll happen!

At 07 October, 2007 20:13, Blogger Sum said...

Thanks!!! :D Love you guys! Muacks! :)

At 13 October, 2007 21:08, Blogger Unknown said...

well said yew-syarawi! you are worth more than gold and diamonds! one day someone will find the treasure in you. enjoy your life.

At 14 October, 2007 12:23, Blogger Jo said...

The Rules:


You get exactly the person you deserve. If you learn to value yourself more, you'll have someone who values you more.

- Sage Jo

At 15 October, 2007 17:09, Blogger Unknown said...

too choosy? we can never be too choosy. gota choose wisely at the beginning rather than regretting halfway thru it!
it's SO not u, believe me. the guys who just back off all of a sudden are cowards.
so dun worry bout it.

At 24 October, 2007 01:06, Blogger Sum said...

I can so feel the love around me... :) Thanks everyone!
And Jo, great advice. That's what I really need to do... coz otherwise, I'd just be stuck in this vicious cycle. There's no one that can put you down, except yourself. As long as I think I'm worth, I AM. :)

At 24 October, 2007 23:17, Blogger Cornelius said...

Dear Sum,

Take it easy; don't rush; there is nothing wrong with being choosy. You are looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with, so CHOOSE carefully. Well, unless you'd like to beat Britney's 55-hour marriage record.

There is no such thing as a "winning formula". Everyone is different, and everyone reacts differently in different circumstances. Being yourself is still the best policy. Don't be anyone you are not, because the real YOU will haunt you sooner or later one of these days.

Having said that, however, that "take it or leave it" isn't such a good idea. Relationships are about giving and taking. If you can give more all the better, but at least try to balance the "giving" and "taking". Good luck to you!

Oh by the way, care to answer the questions in my blog - entitled "Up, Even, Down"?


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