Life's Purpose...?
Maybe I've too much time on my hands or maybe I'm just bored with studying and needed to think about something other than reserves, pricing, solvency capital requirements etc for a change...
Or maybe I'm at the crossroads of my life where I'm beginning to take stock of my life.
What have I achieved? What do I lack? What do I need to do? What should I do? And most important of all... Am I happy and content with my life?
Difficult questions... for which I don't know the answer.
No boyfriend/ husband/ children... Is that a failure on my part?
At the same time, I also wonder... is it really necessary?!
Sure, the upside of it is that I won't end up alone when I grow old and grey, but who's to say they will still be around then? :) There's always the downside of marrying someone totally wrong and you end up unhappy with your life.
So why are we here... alive on this earth? The idea of evolution really amazes me... How our ancestors were apes who roamed this earth. But have we questioned: Why were they here in the first place?! What was their purpose on this earth? To give birth to the next generation? To do what?
We live our lives day by day... but what do we all ultimately achieve in the end? For those who believe in God and his creation of all life on this earth, I'm sure you have your answers ready. But is that all? Is our purpose just to spread the word of God and gain divine immortality and live our after-lives in heaven? What then?
So many questions... so few answers...