Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The dawn of a new day...

Today, I did something that I thought I'd never be able to do anytime soon. I called my ex.

We had a pretty friendly chat, though of course things will probably never be the same as before. But think we both handled it pretty well. I thought it would take me far longer to get to where I am now. Just yesterday, I was at such an emotional low, just because of something I came across/saw... which came as a sudden blow, just when I thought I was really starting to get over it.

But then today, I had a revelation... that all is not lost. Not that I am harbouring any hopes of us getting back together again (as one of my friends insisted I was doing!), but just that I realised that the only person preventing myself from moving on... is me. I was the only one who was holding on to the past, and looking for answers that have already been given (but I had refused to see or accept).

It's not good to keep analysing the past because those are things that cannot be changed. We can only learn from it, and if there are mistakes made, make sure that they are not made again. There's no point worrying about the future, because you never can predict what is going to happen... not even in the next minute, hour or day. So why worry?

As my little 8 yr-old cousin (and the yoga teacher) said: "Do not dwell in the past... Do not worry about the future... Live in the present".

And that is something we should always remember. :)

I also have another friend to thank, who really pushed me to where I am now. He told me that I deserved to be happy, and that I was not trying hard enough to move on. He said that I was a loser for being like this, and he didn't want to hang out with losers. Cruel it may seem then, but it needed to be said... coz I was just pushing myself further down the spiral, and only I can get myself out. So, thanks... and I'm glad to let you know, you are definitely not in the company of any loser. :)


At 30 November, 2005 13:21, Blogger Kea said...

Well done, jie. You are indeed a very strong person. I'm proud that you're my big sis!

At 30 November, 2005 17:41, Blogger mikanico said...

You did it !!! I'm so proud of you... Sometime there is a lot of things that is easier to say then do... however, you did it. Congratulation.

Life move on... you'll just smile when you look back in the future. ;)

At 30 November, 2005 18:57, Blogger JARJAR said...

HI Sum
I think it is completely OK to call your ex. When you two could talk like just friends and your heart doesn't feel the pain anymore when you meet him again then only it is really over :). By the way, I like younger boys :).

At 01 December, 2005 23:58, Blogger Unknown said...

Learn from the past, live in the present, plan for the future :)


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