Saturday, December 03, 2005

One more month to the end of 2005...

Already December... only one more month before the end of the year. Seems like the year has just whizzed by, just like that. This year has been an exciting roller-coaster for me... lots of things to learn, to experience, to try out... Some good, some bad... but at least I can say it's not been boring. :)

Had a pretty busy day at work today, but felt quite productive. Which is always important to me. Otherwise, I'd feel like I wasn't contributing at work at all, which really demotivates me. I hate feeling useless at work. So it's nice to know when your opinion counts and is valued. :)

Anyway, that aside, just want it noted here that my actuarial exam results came out today. And unfortunately, I didn't pass... either of my papers. Sigh... It's not been a good streak so far. Already failed three exam sittings in a row. This is not good. Next round, I will be attempting two papers... and am gonna hope to pass both of them. By hook or by crook...!! :) Please wish me luck and pray for me! And also, maybe remind me once in awhile to study?! Haha.... :D


At 03 December, 2005 09:20, Blogger Kurios1978 said...

ALl the best next time round

At 03 December, 2005 13:45, Blogger piranesi said...

sy here. just wanna say hi.

why are u still checking out your comments? go study lah!

At 03 December, 2005 21:16, Blogger Kea said...

Have you studied?
Go study!
Why are you NOT studying?

You will hear this lots till April. Heheh... :P


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